Which Church is Right for Me?

This is a question that, I am sure, we have heard many people ask, and even many of us have asked from time to time. I have come across various answers to this, many of which fail to deal with the issue effectively. So, then, what is the right answer? How can we ever know, and how can we help someone else who is looking for the answer?

Let me point out that there is a fundamental error in that question. It assumes that “church” is a building, a house, or a group of believers. This is the definition that we have given to the church today. So, ask the wrong questions and you will get the wrong answers. We know very well, from the scriptures (Acts 7:48-49), that the church is NOT a place or an organization. It never was. Not in the apostolic days, not in the first three centuries of its existence. It only took the form we have today in year 330 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted the pagan (idolatrous) temples into places of “Christian” worship, and told the Christians, “behold, here is where you ought to gather and worship”. Hence the expression “I am going to church”. Neither is the church a human organization. The Lord Jesus said, “I will build MY church…” (Matthew 16:18). He didn’t tell His disciples, “Go out to the whole world and build churches”, neither do we see any of the apostles “planting” any churches.

The church is the body of Christ; she is His bride, not limited by geography or business-like structure. Of course, there are many mentions of local churches in the New Testament, but those are just assemblies of believers in specific towns and cities. And that was only a phenomenon of the beginning; because we know from history what happened to those local assemblies. They were all broken up, the brethren who comprised them tortured and killed, and many of them dispersed to the ends of the earth. Did that stop the spread of the good news? To the contrary, that was the way to spread them, and to give the push for the disciples to “go to all the world and make disciples”. As long as they were gathered in one place, the kingdom of God was limited to that place. God knew that, and then He sent pagan rulers to persecute and scatter those assemblies, thus sending worldwide sparks that would ignite the fire of His kingdom to all the earth.

But there was another problem. As long as those believers stayed “huddled up”, they got comfortable and developed a sense of being at home with one another. However, God’s plan was not for Christian communities, or else He would not make any mention on new heavens and new earth; He would simply convert the world into a gigantic mega-church. And any time His children missed that message, He made sure to repeat the actions that would have them go abroad and spread the news of the kingdom. And here is where today’s Christianity’s problem lies: we seek to be in a place where we feel comfortable, where we are together with other believers, separate from the sinners, and where the program is cut out according to our taste. We don’t like the music? We simply move to another “church”; is the teaching too harsh to our ears? We go somewhere else, where we get entertainment and have “a good old time”. And it is not unusual to go to great lengths and geographical distances to carry not the news of the kingdom, but our own dogmatic understanding of what Christianity is.

Why don’t we ask our brethren from China what church they go to? Or how about we find out from the believers in North Korea how they choose their churches? Simply, because there is no such thing there as a church building or denominations. And I am not referring to the “churches” that the state approves of; those are only groups that preach only peace and friendship, without the cross, without any need for repentance, and which pose no threat to the authorities. Any person found to believe in Jesus, in those places, are being tortured and executed together with their family members. For those believers, the simple joy of finding another genuine believer is a reason for celebration and for gratefulness for the Lord’s love and grace. And there are stories of such believers going to great pains, at the risk of their own and their loved ones’ lives, to find such a comfort in the person of a fellow believer.

So, what makes the difference between those believers and the kind we see in the western world? One word: purpose. And I am asking you, what is your purpose for seeking a fellowship of believers? Is it your comfort and convenience? Or do you desire to operate in the way that the New Testament admonishes us 58 times with the phrase “one another”? A person who has been regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit understands that God has His purpose and He does everything to that end. And if He is the master architect and builder of His church, would He leave it up to us to decide where and how we fit? What is to say that He hasn’t placed you where you are now, so He can effect a change through you? And if he wants you somewhere else, wouldn’t He tell you so? Wouldn’t we know every detail of every step we should take to fulfil His purpose? The fact that many of us don’t know, is a proof of our faulty prayer life, but that’s a whole different topic altogether.

So if after reading all this you come again with the question, “so what church is right for me?”, I would advise you to shift your focus from your own self and place it on the One who matters, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, our redeemer. When He said, “the hour is coming when ye shall neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the Father. But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for also the Father seeks such as his worshippers.” (John 4:21, 23, DARBY), He wasn’t referring to any distant event. Notice the “…and now is…”. That “time” started with His crucifixion. I pray that you are one of those worshipers, who are part of the solution and not of the problem. May the grace of God be yours always.

11 thoughts on “Which Church is Right for Me?

  1. Pingback: Which Church Is Right For Me? « Article By Other Author « TruthForFree.com

  2. Pingback: Which Church is right for me? | Called Out: Now What?

  3. Pingback: Which Church is Right for Me? | Ekklesia Koinonia "Fellowship of the Called-out ones"

  4. Renee

    Excellent study, thank you for sharing. Matthew 18:20. Thank You Abba, for renewing the minds of those who are IN Christ Jesus to understand this great truth. We’re a global Body of Family members whose Head is Christ Jesus alone. Led by the Spirit of Holiness, glory to God!


  5. amongtheforgotten

    It truly is sad that so few professing Christians, despite their ongoing allegiances to church related activities are so far removed from what Biblical Christianity actually entails. There is little doubt that this has resulted from simply adopting the religious status quo and precedent and failing to show one as approved unto God. It’s a marvel that even the most “famous” of the modern day preachers who are supposedly educated, have huge “ministries” and have built institutionalized kingdoms upon this earth still promote the counterfeit as if it were true.

    Praise God if just one more soul hears the voice of heaven and runs from those “leaders” who have not and will not count the cost of being a disciple of Christ. To be a Christian means to lose one’s life and that doesn’t exclude one’s own ministry, one’s own reputation, one’s religious position, one’s spiritual title and a hundred other things that allow for the exalting of one’s own self.

    I’m making a sticker for the back of my truck that says, Die Christian Die. Sure, the majority might laugh or misunderstand the meaning. But as you say, the secret of the Christian life isn’t either going or even doing, but simply abiding within the arena and environment where God has placed each of us. That place is in the death of His Son. Sure, He finished the work but His death is ours to embrace by faith. As we do, the real Christ and His ekklesia will shine forth, will bear fruit and will become the testimony upon this earth that truly glorifies our Lord.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Lisa Ross

    If someone was to quote Hebrew 10:25 due to me not attending placed of worship for various reasons, how should I answer them?


    1. This scripture is very often (mis)quoted by proponents of churchianity to justify the unjustifiable. The scripture says that we should not forsake the getting together, the assembly, the gathering together. And I agree with it; if we become “lone rangers” we have no encouragement, no fellowship, and we are out of God’s plan. Having said this, assembly or gathering in the days when the letter was written was not what today’s “church” is. It simply meant to meet with one another, at one’s home, in open air, at the beach, in the market, anywhere anyone can go. The concept of going to a building they call “church” was a monstrosity created in 330 AD by the pagan, sun-worshiper Roman emperor Constantine. So, in the true meaning of the scripture, forsaking the assembly is something those who quote it like that are doing all the time! They barely have any time to meet with other believers outside those “church” walls, and that mostly on a Sunday morning. Christ said that we ought to be more righteous than the hypocrites. So, as long as you meet with other believers, regardless of doctrine, location, or other man-made limitations, you are practicing that scripture, and you can fire it back to all those who use it to their own selfish ends. I hope this helps put things in the right place.

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  7. One of the first things wrong with that question is that it shows how Satan has corrupted believers view of the body of Christ: just as there is one Lord, faith, and baptism, so also is there one, universal body of Christ. This question assumes a divided view of the body of Christ, as if different fellowships operate under different authorities.
    There is one authority–and that is Christ.
    Tragically, the fact that the vast multitude of Christians believe that ‘church as we know it’ [cultural Christianity] is what God desires [as opposed to biblical fellowship] is evidence that the so-called authority of the traditional church system is at odds with Christ.
    In response to the sister who asked about how to respond to Hebrews 10:25, I would only note how ironic it is that the very people who desperately seek sound, biblical fellowship under the leading of the Holy Spirit and authority of Christ ALONE are the same ones accused of not loving the brethren. That’s how much of a stronghold that Satan has among believers due to the divisive and illicit influence of denominational and organizational engineering. This is exemplified by the fact that many formerly strong pillars [faithful souls] within organized religion are leaving to seek God in the wilderness.
    Peace and grace,
    brother Mark

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